Friday, April 10, 2015

Headaches and Acupuncture

Sinus headaches.
Hormonal headaches.
Headaches from stress and tension.
Headaches from too much time on the computer.
What to do? There’s aspirin, Tylenol, and ibuprofen…But what if that doesn’t work? And what if headaches are happening everyday?  

Acupuncture is the solution.  By receiving regular treatments, acupuncture can drastically reduce or even get rid of chronic headaches.  How long would you need to be getting acupuncture? How many treatments and for how long is different for each person. Treatment plans depend on the severity of the headaches, how often they happen, and how long you’ve been getting them.

How effective the treatments are also depends on how much you’re able to avoid what is triggering them. If your headaches are caused by computer work and you need to be on the computer for hours everyday, it will take longer for the acupuncture to help you as we fight an uphill battle. But even with this type of scenario, acupuncture will significantly reduce your headaches, whether it be they are less intense, don’t last as long, or don’t occur as often.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Allergies and Acupuncture

The flowers are blooming early this year!

It’s absolutely gorgeous.

It is downright lovely!

It’s causing itchy, watery eyes, scratchy throat, cough, congestion and a headache.

Many people try to handle this onslaught of pollen with remedies like a nasal spray. Or they might even get a round or two of antibiotics if sinus problems turn into a sinus infection.  There’s an easier way to feel better – acupuncture!

How will acupuncture help? By stimulating your sinuses, enticing them to clear out the offending mucus. Acupuncture will also address the issue by its roots, balancing the workings of your body to reduce the allergic reaction.

How often should you get an acupuncture treatment? It takes more than one session of acupuncture to address allergies. With most patients, the best course of action is to receive a treatment twice a week until the issue(s) are under control. At this point we taper the acupuncture appointments down, making them further and further apart until they are no longer necessary.

To prevent sinus issues in the future, it is a good idea to get a few acupuncture treatments a few weeks before your allergy season begins.