Wednesday, November 16, 2016

3 Best Post-Acupuncture Habits

#1 Drink water
Acupuncture stimulates your “Qi” to move. Qi is your vital energy that is flowing throughout your body. It is needed to nourish all of your organs, muscles, and tissues. In order for Qi to flow smoothly, the body needs water to help its transport.

#2 Eat           
Giving your mind and body fuel to burn after an acupuncture treatment is a good idea. Acupuncture works to build up and move your Qi. Having food in your system to supply your body’s building blocks will help to further progress in your health and well-being goals.

#3 Relax
The effects of your acupuncture treatment will still be running their course even after the needles are out. You don’t want to leave your appointment and go to the gym for a strenuous workout or out for a 20 mile bike ride. It’s best to keep activities light for a few hours after receiving acupuncture. That way you will gain the full benefit of your treatment.